If you are, that’s understandable.
It seems extremely easy at first.
Then you find out the it isn’t THAT easy.
Then you struggle for a while and it really seems tough to make this work the way you’d like.
But is this occupation really so difficult that it needs a HUGE solution?
Here’s a quote that is very pertinent,
“People always overestimate how complex business is. This isn’t rocket science. We’ve chosen one of the world’s simplest professions.”
— Jack Welch: is an American business executive and author
This is true and has been proven time and time again.
Now here’s the really the interesting correlation:
As businesses go, trading is one of the simplest businesses.
- You have no employees on which you depend
- You have no customers to try to please.
- You have no product to make, store or deliver.
- You have no marketing or sales process to develop and manage.
- You probably don’t even have an outside office to maintain
You trade from home (or your phone) and it’s pretty much just you and the markets.
Pretty simple.
And there are plenty of people that are making it that aren’t as smart or dedicated as you are.
- Keep it simple.Avoid your ego’s notion that since this has been a BIG challenge, so you must need a BIG and complicated solution.
Be willing to accept that a simple solution that does indeed work somewhat quickly is possible.
- Don’t force things.If it feels like you’re forcing it, don’t.
When you are taking the right actions and becoming who you need to be, it will feel right and it will flow naturally.
- Pay attention.If what you’re doing isn’t working, pay attention to that.
Be willing to accept that perhaps you need to look in another direction and take different actions.
Look back over your life and recall one or two things with which you were successful.
When you were developing, it was challenging.
But when you acquired the RIGHT knowledge and skills, things became easy, right?
Trading is no different.
Make sure you are focusing on the RIGHT knowledge, the RIGHT trader training and keep this as simple as it should be.
I hope this helps.
P.S. Perhaps understanding your trading system and how it affects you would be helpful at this time.
Tags: currency trading courses, forex education, Forex trader training, forex training course, learn the forex, trading as a business
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