Over the last several years of working with traders one-on-one, the ONE COMMON FACTOR that kept coming up (nearly 100% of the time) was
their trading system had issues that were creating their hesitation, anxiety and inconsistent execution – and they didn’t even know it!
Your trading system is much more than simply a set of rules and indicators.
It is the very heart of your trading operation.
And if your trading system has problems or issues OF WHICH YOU ARE NOT AWARE, then your trading will NEVER get off the ground.
Your problems will continue – indefinitely.
You simply MUST know how to identify the problem AND what to do to fix it!
If you can’t, then you’re in a pretty tough spot.
Now I’m sure that you do understand how important this training is to your survival and success as a trader.
If the problem is one of available funds, then I can understand.
To make it affordable for you, how about I let you split it up over the next few months?