Brian here with a motivational quote and a few additional thoughts to get your week started.
Now pay attention because there is tremendous power in this one, particularly regarding how well your subconscious opposes or supports you in your trading.
“If you don’t see yourself as a winner,
then you cannot perform as a winner.”
— Zig Ziglar: Motivational author and speaker
This is the first step in actually realizing your success: to change your mental picture of yourself.
Do you find it a little difficult to picture yourself as a successful trader?
How about envisioning how your life will be different when you finally do realize the consistent comfortable trading that you seek?
Odds are that you DO find it a bit tough to come up with a clear vision of these two things.
It is surprisingly challenging for most people, because of the ‘normal’ that has been established, to see different future for themselves and hold that vision even for just a few minutes.
It is quite understandable if your experience for the last several months (or perhaps even years) has been one of long hours, a lot of stress, and continued disappointment.
Another BIG contributor to the difficulty is not knowing what to do differently to achieve the different results.
After a bunch of unsuccessful experiences, particularly following the advice of self-proclaimed experts (usually just selling you their newest system), that light at the end of the tunnel can be hard to spot.
What works for many is to seek out and act on new approaches to the problem.
Instead of just recycling the same ‘solutions’ that didn’t work before, you pursue a different means of taking control of your trading.
And when you find a sensible and realistic (not pie-in-the-sky) approach, you can actually see that light at the end of the tunnel.
Once you take action on this new approach, seeing yourself as a winner now becomes feasible, and winning becomes the natural and most probable outcome.
It all starts and ends with you.
When you change who you are, everything else follows suit.
Begin your transformation right now by clicking here
P.S. Once you clearly see HOW to reach your goal, your arrival becomes almost a foregone conclusion.
Begin your transformation right now by clicking here
Tags: day trading, day trading forex currency, day trading strategies, Forex Explained, forex mastery, Forex Resources, Forex Strategies, Forex Tools, Forex trader training, Forex Trading Information, Forex trading Psychology, forex trading strategies, forex trading strategy, forex trading system, Forex training, forex training program, Free forex coaching, free Forex education, free forex trader training, free trading education, fx trader training, learn Forex, learn to trade forex, online trading, psychology of trading Forex, swing trading, technical analysis, trader training, trading advice, trading as a business, trading education, trading mastery, Trading training
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13 years ago
Indicators are used for identifying, or even ctreaing patterns from the chaos of the currency market. In all cases, they receive the raw market data as the basic input, and manipulate it in differing ways to create (as opposed to discover) actionable trading scenarios. The natural consequence of this description is that indicators are not tools of prediction. Instead, they are used to give order to the price data, so that it is possible to identify possible opportunities which can be exploited profitably by the trader. No indicator is right or wrong with respect to the signals that it emits, but each of them must be used with an appropriate money management strategy in order to deliver the desired results.There are many different kinds of indicators, and it is not at all a hard task to define one’s own tools for the purpose of evaluating the market provided that a basic literacy in averages is attained, what is desired from the created indicator is made clear. Different constructions will lead to differing techniques which can then be employed most effectively as part of a trading strategy.So you can regard indicators as your compass and ruler in navigating waves of the forex market. We would use a compass or a ruler to predict when or where a storm will hit, but every sailor knows their usefulness in defining a path over the high seas. Use your indicators to plan your journeys in forex, while protecting your funds with proper money management techniques, and all will be well for you.Fore detailed explanation on each indicator just google the indicator name and you will find the information for free.