Yes Brian, I'm READY for BETTER!

  • I want to have CONFIDENCE in my trading, knowing that I'm okay no matter what's going on in the markets
  • I've had enough trading while filled with anxiety, fear and hope, feeling like I'm at the mercy of the markets
  • I'm DONE with the lousy "normal" that I've been living with, putting in the time and paying my dues, but still not realizing the freedom and lifestyle I want!
  • I'm READY to finally be able to trade from a position of calm knowing and well-founded optimism, in control of my own fate
  • I'm tired of always being stressed out about my trading - I want some peace of mind
  • I'm READY to finally get the critical pieces that have been missing from my trading!
  • I'm ready to take action right now, to make a change and to experience BETTER!

Trading System Mastery is the unique, simple, 3-step process that eliminates anxiety, doubt and fear from your trading.

This process gives you the rock-solid CONFIDENCE in your trading system and yourself that you've desired ever since you started trading.

From now on, you'll trade every day from a position of knowing, never again fearful of what the markets might do.

What's In The Program?

Module #1 Contents

This is the foundation of your entire trading operation.  Module 1 gets your trading truly systemized and running like clockwork.  This is the part of trading most traders skip and then wonder why they struggle to trade consistently.  No longer a problem for you!

Module #2 Contents

Module 2 establishes the confidence you need to remove doubt and eliminates the unknowns that cause your emotions to flare up.  This is where you become the calm, cool trader you want and need to be to keep a clear head in the heat of the moment.

Module #3 Contents

Module 3 keeps you moving forward, and in an organized, calculated, and business-like manner.  No more feeling lost on what to do when the markets change mood or direction.  Here is where you find the security in your trading future, knowing you're okay now and for years to come!

Full Course Contents

Here's a break-down of the full contents of our unique consistency training course.

  • How to structure your system - for easiest execution and repeatability
  • What to include and what to leave out
  • What words to use – and which ones to avoid
  • How to back test your system the RIGHT way – avoid back-testing mistakes others make
  • How to organize your testing for best insights
  • How to evaluate your metrics – truly understand what the numbers are telling you
  • When to use automated back-testing and when NOT to – know the pitfalls of each
  • How to keep everything organized in a way so that you know what works and what doesn’t
  • How to use the metrics to know where to look to make changes to get the desired result
  • How to properly choose your sampling – avoid wasted time or erroneous information

What Others Have to Say...

“Brian McAboy brings a refreshing new perspective to trader development.

His background in process engineering really lets him approach things in a completely different way than most trading educators. As a result, you won’t get the same old tired material from him.

He will allow you to see your trading from a whole new angle, one which can definitely help you be a better trader.”

John Forman
John Forman Professional Market Analyst and Trading Mentor, Creator of Essentials of Trading

“There are many facets to long-term successful trading, and the skills and competencies that are necessary to make a career of trading are far more than simply opening an account and getting busy.

It is vital that a person know what the true key qualities and characteristics of BEING a successful trader are, if indeed that is what they wish to become.

Brian is able to help people understand why the odds are against them, as well as what you can do to turn those odds around in your favor.”

Derek Frey
Derek Frey Professional Trader and Trading Mentor

“There simply isn't enough attention to the psychology of trading and the correct approach that needs to be adopted.

Brian McAboy has done an excellent job in walking through the must-know steps in order to become a successful trader..”

Mark McRae
Mark McRae Professional Trader and Trading Mentor

“Bottom line is that Brian gives the trader a blueprint for STRUCTURE, both mentally (your emotions, etc.) and physically (choosing a trading system, running your trading business).

He gets your mind and self set to win... and not get caught in the very subtle yet powerful mental and emotional trap that brings most traders to ruin.
As you can imagine, with me being in the mental training for traders business, I was delighted to see someone delve into and try to rescue misguided traders... which, sadly,are most traders.


Norman Hallett
Norman Hallett The Disciplined Trader

“Dear Brian,

Feel free to share my thoughts below with traders that are considering your products or services.

If you have ever wondered why you just cannot seem to get ahead with your trading you need to consult with Brian without delay.  I had been trying to make it in the Forex market for two years now, determined that I can figure out a system, whether taken from someone who trades successfully or put together by myself.  I have gathered a lot of knowledge in this time, all self-taught, as we do, with countless hours spent in front my computer researching trading techniques and indicators and watching the markets, paper trading.

The perception is out there that you can do it on your own, if you are prepared to put in the time and effort and eventually it will all fall in place for you.  I realize now that, that is not the case.

Your trading will always be a roller coaster ride with emotional highs during good runs and absolute despair and frustration when the market takes it all back.  Yip, I’ve been around on this nauseating roller coaster a couple of times.

I have been consulting with Brian for two weeks, now and he has shown me what your foundation for a sound trading-business (and that is the key-word, believe it or not) is and how to achieve that.  I now possess the knowledge, tools and confidence to set myself up as a full-time trader and move forward in my trading-career with confidence, knowing that I can take any trading strategy, analyze it and know with surety how I can expect this system to perform, what the income potential is and see whether I will meet my goals with that particular system, or not.  All of this with hard, concrete numbers.  Data that every trader should know before they even contemplate trading a particular system with real money.

I cannot thank Brian enough for the confidence I now have in knowing that I will make a success of this and I will, as a result, take control of my financial future.  That’s what we’re all after, isn’t it.

Yours Kindly,

Marius Grobler Individual Trader


I just wanted to drop you a quick note to sincerely thank you for all your help and assistance with my trading.

Even though I have been trading for 11 years I was struggling with inconsistent returns, reoccurring mistakes and lack of true direction. But all that changed quickly after getting your assistance and putting to work some of your tools and recommendations.

I am more confident in my trades and no longer worry about the unknowns because my trading is structured like a business.

Thanks again for your help and support.”

Patrick Hennessey Individual Trader

Bonus Items To Make Sure You Succeed!

Bonus Item #1

The "4-Forms of Self-Sabotage" Video


Powerful insights to help you avoid making these fatal trader mistakes.

Bonus Item #2

The Profit-Potential Calculator


Know the potentials for your system - to the dollar.  All the info you need on a single printed page.  Powerful, simple tool for a wide range of uses in your trading!

Bonus Item #3

Video Recording of the Hot Seat Session

Watch "over my shoulder" as I critique an actual trader's trading system documentation, so you know how it's done and then you can easily do it too!


60-Day No-Risk, You WILL See Results 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

You WILL see results from this program, plus if you aren’t 100% satisfied, if you’re not happy for any reason whatsoever, just send me an email and I will issue you a prompt refund in full.  Look, I’m here to help you and if this just isn’t a good fit then I don’t want your dough.


Change Your Future Starting Right Now

This is a pivotal moment right now.  Every day you make the decision to keep things the same, OR now that you know what you learned in the video, you can choose to change your future, to start down a different path, a BETTER path right now.  Select the option that works best for you and choose a better future right now.

1 Single Installment of Just $999 $495

Get Started NowSingle Installment of $495

5 Installments of Just $199 $99 each

Get Started NowFive Installments of $99 Each

Frequently Asked Questions

How is this training delivered?

The training is through several modules of online videos, available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Plus you can download the videos and watch them on the device and at a time of your convenience

There are also downloadable audios of the lessons for listening in your car, on the treadmill, wherever you'd like.

The course also comes with worksheets and templates to make your life easy.

How much is the investment for this training?

Whether you choose the single installment or several, the total investment for this training program is $only 495.

What if I don't have a system, should I still go through this training?


One of the primary purposes of this course is to give you the ability to recognize how good a system is with regards to its repeatability and how to fix it if there are problems.

This is key because if a system isn't repeatable, then it isn't truly a trading "system" and you WILL be frustrated trying to trade it!

If I have questions, will you help me?


I'm here to help you succeed as a trader. That's why I do what I do!

How long does this process take, from beginning to end?

Typically it takes an average of 30 days, but I've had some students get through the entire training in as little as 2 1/2 weeks.

 I see that you also have the "Trading As Your Business" training program.  Which should I sign up for?

In my years of helping traders, I've found that there are two distinct, primary skill sets that every individual trader needs to be truly self-sufficient and realize their goals through trading.

The Trading As Your Business Program focuses specifically on you as the Investor/Owner/Manager of your trading business.

It walks you through the entire process of creating a business plan for your trading, plus gives you the plan for managing your operation once you're up and running.

This program, Trading System Mastery Accelerated Coaching, focuses on you as the Trader, giving you the skills to trade on a daily basis with complete confidence that you're okay, without fear of the markets.