Brian here with an extremely important message for you today.
In the years since I started trading and even more since I began coaching traders, there’s one thing I see time and time again, and it is the worst that can happen.
It is truly the Kiss of Death for traders and is likely the one single factor that accounts for the dreadful 95+% failure rate.
It creates more problems than any other factor, and totally sets the stage for ruin.
If you are struggling to to see consistent profits and have spent months or years with little or no forward progress, then this has likely happened to you too.
So what is this “Kiss of Death”?
What is this one occurrence that means almost certain Doom for you as a trader?
Well, for one thing, this isn’t limited to traders.
It affects skilled professionals in many fields, but has the greatest impact on those who operate independently and are self-employed.
As a self-directed trader, this means you for certain.
The effects are several.
· It affects your mental state tremendously, specifically your confidence.
· It directly controls your emotional state and energy level
· It determines how well you’ll be able to keep your cool and do what you’re supposed to do – without hesitation.
· It determines directly whether your subconscious is going to sabotage your or support you.
· It determines how successful you’ll be and how far you can go.
Now don’t dismiss this as an over-simplification – that is part of the trap.
Do I have your full attention now? Because this is really that important.
How Your Assets Can Be Liabilities
You have several characteristics that in other areas of your life, they have been assets and served you well.
· You are smarter than average.
· You have achieved a reasonable level of success in your life.
· You are versatile.
· You have the self-confidence to take risks and try new things.
But as a self-directed trader, these have likely been liabilities.
Again, in many ways these are usually assets, but here’s where they’ve probably gotten you into trouble as a trader.
On the surface, trading is a VERY simple occupation.
Learning how the buying and selling of securities works is fairly straightforward.
Learning how to place trades certainly doesn’t take long.
But there is certainly much more to being a long-term, successful and self-sufficient trader than ‘getting the game’ and learning how to place trades.
As a self-employed, self-directed trader, there are several roles you have to fulfill and numerous skill sets you need to start up and run a consistently profitable and reliable long-term operation.
Even though they’ve never done it before, trading looks simple enough that their personal assets give them a false confidence about their ability to be a proficient trader – causing them to under-estimate what it takes.
Where most traders go wrong, is they begin trading with real money before they are even close to properly prepared.
They basically learn only “enough to be dangerous” and then get busy.
They start trading with an incomplete and often inadequate set of skills that this profession requires.
Once they get started, they establish all sorts of habits, perspectives and patterns that are very counter-productive to successful trading.
Their subconscious knows that they are not a fully trained and prepared trader, so it sabotages their efforts.
Again, you have several roles as a self-directed trader and so long as you continue trading WITHOUT acquiring and developing the skill sets to be proficient in each of those roles, you will keep taking one step forward and two steps back – because you are not changing who you are as a trader.
How To Do It Right
Skills (and confidence) are NOT acquired and built by simply making all the mistakes there are to make.
They certainly don’t come from months and years of bad practice.
You have to have someone outside of yourself show you what you need to know, the know-how you need to be competent, and then the training to develop the needed skills.
You see, you are both a trader and a self-employed business owner.
That’s why I created the training courses that I have – because you have two primary roles and when you attend to these two roles, you position yourself for business-like and calculated success.
You become a fully self-sufficient and independent trader.
You have the skills and know-how to take on the challenges of trading with confidence that comes from understanding, skill and ability.
A Special Opportunity for You
For this Labor Day Holiday, I’m putting together a very comprehensive and complete training for you.
So that you no longer need to worry about the “incomplete training” Kiss of Death.
You can get your hands on it tomorrow, so make sure to be watching your email!
Until then, Cheers!
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